Award Winning Australian Premium Fish

For over a decade, Spring Creek Barramundi has been renowned for producing top quality, great tasting barramundi.
Located in Tropical North Queensland, our nutritious, versatile fish is enjoyed at tables in restaurants and homes throughout the country. We provide our barramundi fresh to the market ensuring we are consistently delivering a healthy product with superior flavour and texture.
Spring Creek Barramundi's success is based on a strong commitment to our environment and our people and our strict adherence to the highest industry standards. Above all, we are passionate about our barramundi. People work for us because they love fish, they love the environment and they believe in what we are doing. Our team is proud of our barramundi so you can be proud to put Australian barramundi on your menu

Spring Creek Barramundi reflects every great quality this celebrated species is famous for

Because we control their water and diet, we can guarantee our fish are without the residues that may be present in other species. They are pure and safe, free from additives, contaminants, chemicals and taints.
Superior quality, healthy and tasty fish, naturally.
Spring Creek invests heavily in creating ideal growing conditions so we can rear our barramundi to the same exacting standards that nature designed and deliver a great tasting product. We know that through carefully targeted, effective processes, we create seafood that exceeds expectations.

Rich in vitamins and minerals, including Omega3s.
With our fish you get goodness as well as great flavour. Numerous studies throughout the world detail the health and nutritional benefits of regular fish consumption. Fish is low in calories, low in saturated fat, low in cholesterol, high in protein, and rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as Omega 3s. The Omega-3 fatty acids that fish contain are required in every cell of the body.
They play a fundamental role in brain development, are important for heart health and healthy joints, and help to develop and maintain eyesight. Omega-3s are not made by the body and must be sourced through our diet, which is why including fish is so beneficial. It is also suggested that eating fish regularly as part of a balanced diet, may reduce the risk of a range of diseases including diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, childhood asthma and some cancers

Consistent superior taste, texture and quality

Harvest Method
Our barramundi are harvested several times a week and on-demand, directly into an ice slurry on site, resulting in rapid chilling to the core. Our barramundi are targeted and harvested to order from specific size graded batches, resulting in no waste or seconds and only the highest quality product specific to your order.
Taste & Texture
Spring Creek Barramundi have large flakes and few bones. The fish has a pinky-white flesh with a light to firm texture and medium oil content. The flavour is mild and appeals to all palates.
Available fresh, every week of the year.
Size & Range
We grade our fish into two sizes: 2kg - 3kg & 3kg+.
Bulk disposable bins - 200kg, 300kg & 400kg and 18kg foam boxes.
We harvest, pack and dispatch within 24 hours, with delivery fresh to the market twice per week. Spring Creek Barramundi has excellent access to freight links providing our fish to your door in the shortest possible time